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Managing Swimming Injuries

Swimming can be considered a ‘low-impact’ sport due to the fact that the water supports a large percentage of your bodyweight. Swimming can vary from a splash in the pool to the competitive environment.

In many cases, swimming can be a preferred rehabilitation strategy for injuries of the back, knees and hips.

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Like any sports or activity, the risk of developing an overuse injury is high due to the repetitive and forceful nature of the shoulder moevments . It has been shown that up to 84% of regular swimmers suffer from overuse type injuries.

The benefits of swimming will outweigh the risks of injury.

Ther general advice is to build up the distance and speed slowly and monitor any aches and pains you may have. If these do not settle we are here to help you get back into the pool.

Below are links to common issues for neck, back, shoulder and knee condition that can arise, as well as some general stroke advice.

  • Neck Pain and swimming-  link
  • Back Pain and swimming- link
  • Shoulder Pain in swimmers – link
  • Preventing shoulder injuries in swimmers-  link 
  • Knee pain in swimmers-  link
  • Stroke technique and injuries- link