Welcome to Physica Running, the hub for our running related services, both online and in-clinic.
We have 2 options for Online Membership, “Physica Running Free” and “Physica Running Plus“. Both options allow access to our online database of running related training articles, training videos and other online resources. Physica Running Plus also gives you access to personalized Strength & Stability training programs, Running Training Program and Performance Monitoring. You can find out more and sign up at the links below. Our in-clinic services include; Core Performance Training, Running Gait Assessment and Retraining, Physiotherapist led injury management, 1:1 Strength & Stability training and running program management
Free Subscription
New to to running or do you want to enjoy your running more.
Physica Running FREE will help you:
- maximise performance and minise injury
- run smarter using the latest in training techniques
- give you access to drills and running programs.
Physica Running Plus
Are you an age grouper who is getting injured or hasnt imporved their times over the pas year.
Physica Running PLUSW will deliver:
- maximise performance and minimise injury
- upload running videos for analysis
- run smarter using the latest in training techniques, nutrition tips and weekly newsletters
- customised running programs and perfmorance monitoring.
Our physiotherapists are experts in movement and technique analysis. We provide running assessments, bike fits and also provide training programs to help recreational and elite athletes improve their enjoyment of running and riding. We succeed by keeping your biomechanics and injuries central to your running style or bike setup.