Mallet Finger

Finger injuries are common amongst the sporting community and their severity is just as commonly underestimated. Whilst the large majority of finger injuries are minor and apart from rest and ice require no further management, there are some that are considered serious, even to the point where surgical intervention may be required if not managed quickly.

After an acute injury there are a number of structures within your finger that require examination to assess the degree and type of injury sustained. In some cases early immobilization is your best chance of making a full recovery and regaining full function of your finger.

 Mallet finger is one of the most common tendon injuries and results in the appearance of a finger that is unable to straighten fully. This is commonly seen when a ball strikes the end of the finger.
Mallet finger occurs when the extensor digitorum tendon attaching to the tip of the finger has been ruptured. Patients may also experience pain and numbness associated with their inability to straighten their finger.
If the diagnosis of mallet finger is suspected it may require imaging to confirm the extent of the injury and splinting for a period of 6-8 weeks with regular monitoring to allow adequate healing.
In extreme cases surgery may be an option for this injury and should be performed within a week of the injury.
Physica staff are trained to recognise and assess the extent of finger injuries and understand the importance of an accurate diagnosis and early intervention. The clinic also has good professional relationships with hand surgeons if a referral is required.